Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Everyday I Cry On The Inside

It as if we live in a different world. Life's naturally beautiful but human greed is making it look and feels terrible for some. I'm kinda private person and I know some of you would argue diz fact due to my daily posting on my platforms and I will tell you why. I came out of my hideout knowing fully well nobody is willing to lead me a voice. Nearly every newspapers company around I have written to them few times and I got nothing back. I created my platforms for single purpose. To express my concern and issues affecting me, people and environment around me. I'm NOT doing diz for recognition. I'm NOT into copy and paste many do here. I spend quality time researching, speaking to people, writing emails and praying to God for inspirations.
Generally, I'm a happy soul and I love to play; A LOT and those who know me can attest to diz but how can I be happy knowing that the system we been born in is a SET UP and it only favors some? I came from a middle class family and there's a huge value and relevance placed on child's education. Thanks to my parents and my brothers especially for making sure that I went to school at the point where I was almost becoming a REGRET to those around me, though NOT by choice but by what was around me. I mean environment! I love people and used to be easily influenced by what they do. Positive and Negative.
Diz lock down has really brought my mind back to things I have been through personally and collectively with friends and I feel like sharing now seeing how unfortunate youths in Africa are and how they are being used to cause major unrest in their own village, town, city, country or continent. Though I was never near anything they do and say now but I wish they have someone listening and offering them useful advise. My heart bleed and it makes me cry and feel sad and at the same time grateful to my late father who week in and out coming to my school to apologize to teachers and principal due to my bad conducts. My Mom at a point lost all hope on me and she never said anything positive about me and Stanley, Jude, Tega and the rest are my life witnesses. I remained in school due to my father's influence.
These guys rioting, protesting and destroying things are NOT all bad people I promise. They just lack love, good advise and above all, FOOD! If you have never tasted poverty be grateful to life cuz you never know what it means to NOT have and to not eat. In early 2016 in Cambodia, I was wounded and bitter and going to do some bad stuffs to people that hurt me not weighing the consequences upfront until God sent help my way. NOT money but PURE LOVE AND HELPFUL ADVISE which was what I was missing and in need of and NOBODY around was offering me it.
Hunger is worse than Corona virus and African politicians device diz strategy to trap and enslave the poor and their children. We are being fed with lies and empty promises. A hungry man is an angry man they say. To keep people who go out everyday in search of daily food at home in this lock down is the toughest challenge our government is facing and it's tough to convince a hungry person to hind to advice at diz moment but there has to be a way.
I strongly recommend our government to start thinking of sending people that can sit to negotiate with diz guys ASAP if not, things are going to turn ugly. The protest is spreading from state to state bit by bit and nobody including the government wants to see diz happening to our dear country.
I'm worried with the situation cuz when all else fails, the next action of by the government is likely to be manslaughter and poor, hungry, homeless and disadvantaged kids, teens and adults are going to be victims as always.
Everyday I cry on the inside for the unlucky and innocent Nigerians/Africans people experiencing hardship, forced labor, human trafficking, stigmatization, stereotyping, tough immigration laws, crime, thuggery, disappointments, hope against HOPE etc... #TalkNLIVE
No Time To Tell Time
Pray for #Nigeria #Africa