Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Opinion piece on Nigerian actor/comedian Mr Ibu

Opinion piece on Nigerian actor/comedian Mr Ibu
It’s amazing the way they roll out the names of our actors and actresses, our musicians.
Hotel rooms are decorated with posters of Nigerian artists and their radio stations boom with songs that bring you closer home.
Since arrival here, I have been inundated with questions about Mr Ibu. A beautiful girl is dying here for Mr Ibu. Yes, the same Mr Ibu that my wife loathes to see on screen.
I am not hooked on Nollywood but can’t do without Osuofia, Ibu and their likes. They bring joy to me and I watch them over and over. But to see many in Maputo reeling out the names of Nigerian actors and actresses simply goes to show that Nigeria has something good.
But can we make something out from it like Dubai is doing on their tourism with Emirates, Ethiopia and even Kenya?
We are blessed and should live like that and not die in poverty in the midst of plenty.