Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ambassadorial visit

Fatima still on sit?
Care taker committee yet recognized by Embassy
Embassy was not officially informed
Group interest come first
Constitutional guides should be duly followed
Rush for food

Recent Ambassador visit has really showed many are good at speaking behind and not bold enough to say things when its actually matter most to faces of those that meant to hear the truth. I classified such thing as act of cowardliness with no apology to anyone or whatsoever.

We've been getting pressure from so many self oriented and egocentric or somewhat individualized interest people during an in-house meeting condemning elected officers of fallen short of expectations in carrying out their duties then passed vote of no confident on them without due processes which led to dissolution and immediate appointment of care taker committee.

I was full of expectations before the meeting began that we were going to put an end to whatever unfamiliar cases existing among us recently and people would have audience to bear out their minds to foreign mission whose sole responsibility is to make sure Nigerians live in peace and harmony abroad. This was far from reality as one 'somebody' who claimed to be an elderly statesman failed to explained why he moved for vote of no confident on then elected officers hence reasons why he was refused entry visa to Malaysia by Malaysia embassy in Phonom Penh. Instead he sounded like he was taken issue as personal as the ambassador intelligently noted to him.

A man from the audience was bold enough to raise most pressing issue in mind of everyone present at the meeting which later suffered a huge setback due to lack of support from audience and I'm doubly sure the young man might be full of regret as results of his lack of support from audience. The meeting was primarily channeled to due with this issue but, then I was surprised this was left unfinished.

Ambassador said the statute quo remains until embassy is duly and officially furnished with every update processes carried out by members in removing serving officers from office which means Fatima still on sit as NIDO leader and reiterate the need for both parties to work together in serving fellow citizens residing here. He also said that he would not recognize the newly appointed committee members until this process is carried out.

Ambassador further advised members to please liaise with Mr. Bede Uwalaka special adviser to NIDO to act on behalf of everyone while the issue last.

Another ugly incident which consumed entire evening was the attitudes of minority trying to cause an havoc during the meeting hours by raising tribal and group interest. Some walked off the meeting while ambassador was still sitting, struggle for foods and unnecessary attentions  its drew on us by the locals watching on. I'd point out here every single NIDO present at the meeting had food enough to eat at home and rush for food was totally unacceptable and a shame on us. People should please deceit from such act and learn to embrace law and orderliness.

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