Monday, November 14, 2016

Phnom Penh Mega Praise and Worship

Praise God! You are invited to MEGA PRAISE AND WORSHIP where God is going to be speaking to as many that need Christ Jesus in their lives in order to live and fulfill their plans and purpose in life. God has not created us for shame and struggles and whatever our situation might be today, I strongly believe this program would tear down kingdom of evil and disappointment and God's people would receive help from HEAVEN and be liberated from every oppression of the devil. THE DAYS ARE OVER FOR THE ENEMY TO KEEP GOD'S PEOPLE IN BONDAGE. 
Early this year, I was going through what I don't know and I have never been so lost and confused this way in my life. I was hit with heavy betrayal by those I love and trusted so much. The pain was so heavy that I completely lost myself. I'm into events and parties organizing. I love what I do. I wanted to get back desperately so others won't see me as failure or something. I remember God in this instant time. I started seeking help from God. I attended vigils and different programs at different places. One day I was praying, I heard a voice saying...If you could glorify my name,  I would hasten my word concerning you. Then I ask, Lord what must I do now? I heard the voice again. ''Begin your 2016 events calendar with praise and worship''. I failed to listen and went on doing my things. I decided to NOT miss church instead of hearken to what the voice had told me. I was considering many stuff. What people going to say about me. I was SHY to be identify with Christ despite my love for God. Things went from bad to worse for me. ''Whenever God is going to use you, He disrupts everything in your life and make you UNCOMFORTABLE in order for you to grow.'' Almost everyone I know asking me to go back to where I belong and that's God. My good friend Oshare whom God communicate through, constantly refer me to church. In his words...'' Go back to Alter where you belong. You are having troubles because you are running away from God.'' I know I don't ever want to be a pastor. This scare me away from being involved with church activities. Please come to MEGA PRAISE AND WORSHIP to hear full testimony. 
With my situation getting worse and 2016 speedily coming to an end, my worries grows bigger daily and I hate the situation I found myself and to get out of this mess, MEGA PRAISE AND WORSHIP must happen. I have a strong believe this will be moment of liberation for me and for anyone going through similar situation or believing God for anything. 
We are looking for a venue within the city and anyone with useful information should please reach out with details on flyer. The decision to use neutral spot for this program is that everyone feel free to welcome. Doors are wide open to all welling to come in. Please do NOT see this about me but God showing His greatness.   
DATE: It's certainly this November 2016 
All churches and believers of all races are invited. We are in need of volunteers as well. We are open to new ideas so feel free to reach out. 
Kindly follow @alascospicetv and @unofficialharryspice on Instagram for daily updates. Thank you and see God blessing and opening more doors for his people through Mega Praise and Worship. Help invite others. 

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