Often times, most of the celebrities and personalities of Nollywood and Ghollywood have been accused of condoning to sexual harassment from producers and directors alike in order to secure roles for movies they act in. However, Lilian Bach debunks such notions and discusses about her life generally in the following interview:
Where have you been?
Where have you been?
I went off the scene to attend to other things; I delved into the aspect of production and at present, 1 have a studio for production of films.
Since the establishment of your studio, how many films have you made so far?
I have made two films so far. One is a Yoruba movie sub-titled in English and it wi ll be premiered soon. The other is a collaboration between Nollywoood and Bollywoood, both of them are yet to be released, because we want to go to the cinema before releasing it into the market.
There have been lots of changes in Nollywood. Would you say they have been for the best?
Sure, these changes are for good. When I was growing up, I remember going to the cinema to watch Indian movies, you cannot compare what we watched with what they are doing presently. They have improved seriously. l n our case, changes are inevitable along the line, hut they are all for the better. It is akin to a situation in which you let the weed and the chaff grow together and when the time of harvest comes, you separate them.
As an old-timer in the industry, what would you say are the challenges the film industry is facing?
A whole lot of them, I don’t want to mention money par se, but if a producer has a good script, yet doesn’t have money, all he or she has to do is call two or three other producers who will go through it, and if they see that it is a wonderful story, they can reach a financial agreement to produce it and share the profit.
The challenge I know is the absence of movie studios. We go to people’s home … to record. The inconvenience can only he imagined. For instance. we may be in a particular location and, maybe, due to some unforeseen circumstance we are unable to finish in time The people expecting us at the other location are there walling, but by the time you get to the IT, which might be late, they say, “Sorry, we are getting ready to go to bed.” Your money is gone for that day and if you scheduled to shoot ten scenes, you might end up shooting just five.
There is also the issue of piracy as well. I am not saying others don’t experience them but in the case of Nollywood, piracy stares us in the face, refusing to go away. Thank God for the president who appreciates the industry and is trying to help, but we need more help.
You have appeared in several movies, which would you say is your most challenging?
I have appeared in over a hundred movies and they have all been very challenging. Sometimes, people meet you and say ‘that part was easy, it was natural’. But the different parts are challenging, I just learn to do my best.
Many actresses have complained of sexual harassment; have you ever encountered that?
I have never encountered such. I think this is borne out of desperation: so many actresses are desperate, and when you appear desperate to produce, they take advantage of you, telling you to ‘do this and get this’ or else they give it to someone else.
… and the issue of lesbianism?
I have been hearing about that too, but no actress has ever approached me for something like that. I don’t know of any lesbian in the industry’
You are a beautiful, A-list star when will the wedding bells toll?
1 don’t want to talk about my private life. It is private and will remain so. I am sorry (laughs).
What should your fans expect from you now that you are back?
Lillian Bach is back and they should expect my own movies. Like I said, I’ have produced two and they will be out soon. My perfume line is also in the works, though I have been working on it for three years now. Don’t be surprised, Lillian Bach perfume will soon be out. I am quite creative and that part of me is about to be unleashed.
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